Monday, June 18, 2007

Organic food

I've recently sampled some organic food that I've really enjoyed. I can honestly say that I can taste the difference between it and the chemically laden foods. As such, I've started purchasing organic vegetables and meat for my family. These are the only vegetables and meat that I'll be having in my home from now on. Of course, I can't make restaraunts and others purchase and use these things so we'll still eat them while visiting these people/places. In my home though I'm only going to have organic meat and veggies. I wish I could say that we were only going to eat organic everything but right now as a single mom and home business owner, that simply isn't feasible. I'm looking forward to seeing how much better we feel once we've been eating these things for a while because it definitely has to help. Since we only eat a few snacks a day though I honestly don't think that nonorganic will be a big part of our lives.

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